Journey- A tale better lived than spent.

Voice of Kokoro
4 min readNov 11, 2020

“Some people are old at 18. Some are young at 90. Time is a concept that humans created.” — Yoko Ono

Change is an inevitable part of everyone’s life. Like, take us “Humans.” One of the most intelligent species ever existed. Ever saw a human evolution chart, that right there is change. We take pride in our achievements until we die of old age or precisely anytime. We live our lives in four stages childhood [0–10], teenage [11–18], adult [19–60], and old-age[60-until we die].

As young kids, we used to believe in whatever we saw or heard, maybe what you heard from your parents or teachers, maybe what we saw like superheroes or ghosts. As kids, we are numbskulls, fighting with friends for the silliest of reasons, sharing food with friends, playing, jumping into puddles, and many memories you might have made with your friends. Also, we used to have some frivolous mindset, like nagging around our parents to buy you something. Unaware of the world outside, we had a reverie of thoughts. We belonged to that world of fantasy we created. And that’s the joy of it. No one will stop you from doing the things you love. As kids, we are honest, humble, curious, and full of spirit, which is what we tend to lose as we keep growing. Because we know time keeps ticking, and change happens before we even realize.

We enter the next stage of life, “teenage.” As teenagers, we have a lot of enthusiasm, as we keep meeting new people. We tune ourselves so that we could fit with them, or to be precise for them. Everything around us feels attractive. Everything around us keeps changing, our perspective of seeing things, our priorities, our needs. Our curiosity keeps increasing, the dreams we dream become more vivid, experiencing new things. We also make friends who we can trust. At this stage, we see and feel our emotions, may it be anger, fear, disgust, or sadness. We sometimes get angry with our parents sometimes we have trust issues with friends. Insecurities take place. Thus as teenagers, we see a new kind of life, we learn, we lose, we now know that we can’t do everything we wanted.

After being a teenager, we go on to be an adult. Throughout our adulthood, we become mature, taking on responsibilities, we learn to manage our mess and stay organized. And that’s just a side of it. During this age, one can destroy or make their life. Enjoyment becomes less, and stress becomes more. Now we are responsible for what we do. Both mental and physical health becomes crucial as the days go. There are some aspects of life we have to look into the like a good job to be well settled, to find a perfect partner, having a healthy social relationship, kids, money, status, and all you will have to handle. But there’s good news it might end well if you manage everything well, or in your coming days, you might die, just old, weak, and full of regrets.

While being old, your eyesight becomes weak, but you can see through the world with the experience you gained. Even as old, some are young at heart. Some die at 20 and have to entombed at 70. In old age, we know life, and we know the right ways to live it, but there’s no time. So if you are not old yet, or not even an adult, you have to understand that you will have to undergo what everyone had to or is going through. You will never know what’s going to happen tomorrow or today or right now. So stay young and full of spirit. Yeah, there may be problems, like everyone has. But that doesn’t mean that you will stop living, or kill your dreams or satisfy yourself with material things. You have time, all the opportunities you want. Remember, things change, as they have been changing until now. Don’t compromise your needs, dreams, desires for something that assures you to lead ordinary life like most of the people on this planet do. Stay young, bold, and child at heart forever. No one remembers a regular person doing ordinary things.

I hope you know what I wanted to convey. So see you soon in the next blog. Have a beautiful life ahead. See you all soon.

Blog by “Buttercup”

-Voice of Kokoro

